About Fluence

Fluence is a DePin (Decentralized Physical Networks) platform that provides an open and low cost alternative to traditional cloud computing. Founded in 2017 by Tom Trowbridge, Evgeny Ponomarev and Dmitry Kurinskiy, in 2022 Fluence raised $9 million in a series A to build a cloudless computing platform for the future of the internet.

Unlike AWS and the likes of it, Fluence eliminates vendor lock-in and guarantees provability of their services, which means that computing jobs can be verified at any time to ensure that clients are getting the service they are paying for. All these features are available at a 60-80% lower cost compared to big tech clouds.

With Fluence, developers can build fully decentralized backends, which enables web3 projects to stay in line with the ethos and the original promise of crypto. However, web3 is just one of many fields where companies can benefit from cloudless computing: Fluence powers AI, biotech and science alike.

Fluence regularly hosts DePin day – a day-long event that brings together leading DePin experts, builders and enthusiasts to exchange the most up-to-date information in the space. The next DePin day takes place on February 27th during ETHDenver buidl week at Denver.

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